Work Environment

How to Recover From Burnout While Still Working

Are you feeling exhausted, drained, and demotivated? Are you struggling to keep up with your work responsibilities and personal life? If so, you may be experiencing burnout. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress, overwork, and lack of balance in life. It can lead to decreased productivity, poor health, and a lower quality of life.


So, how to recover from burnout while still working?


Recovering from burnout while still working can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. With the right strategies and support, you can regain your energy, focus, and motivation. Here are some steps to help you recover from burnout while still working, including how renting a coworking space can help.


1. Identify the Signs of Burnout


The first step to recovering from burnout is to recognize the signs. Common symptoms of burnout include:


  • Chronic fatigue and exhaustion
  • Lack of motivation and interest in work
  • Increased irritability and mood swings
  • Reduced productivity and efficiency
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach problems, and muscle tension


If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to take action to prevent burnout from getting worse.


2. Address the Root Causes


To recover from burnout, you need to address the root causes. Here are some common causes of burnout and ways to address them:


  • Lack of control over work: If you feel like you have no control over your work or workload, it can lead to feelings of helplessness and burnout. To address this, try to negotiate with your manager to take on more manageable tasks or projects that align with your strengths and interests.


  • Lack of social support: Social support from colleagues, friends, and family can help prevent burnout. Make an effort to connect with others, whether it’s through team-building activities at work or socializing outside of work.


  • Perfectionism: If you’re a perfectionist, you may be setting unrealistic expectations for yourself, leading to burnout. Try to set realistic goals and prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.


  • Poor work-life balance: If you’re working long hours and neglecting your personal life, it can lead to burnout. Make time for activities that bring you joy and help you relax, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies.


3. Practice Self-Care


Self-care is essential for preventing and recovering from burnout. Here are some self-care strategies to try:


  • Exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce stress, improve mood, and increase energy levels. Try to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, whether it’s a lunchtime workout or a morning jog.


  • Meditation and mindfulness: Mindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing can help reduce stress and improve focus. Try setting aside a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness.



  • Nutrition: A healthy diet can help improve energy levels and reduce stress. Try to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.


4. Seek Support


Recovering from burnout can be challenging, so don’t be afraid to seek support. Here are some sources of support to consider:


  • Manager or HR: If you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to cope with work demands, talk to your manager or HR department. They may be able to offer support, such as flexible work arrangements or additional resources.


  • Colleagues: Talk to your colleagues about how you’re feeling. They may be able to offer support or advice, or they may be experiencing similar challenges that you can support each other through.


  • Mental health professional: If you’re struggling with burnout, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. They can help you develop coping strategies and provide support during difficult times.


  • Online resources: There are many online resources available to help with burnout, including articles, videos, and podcasts. You can also join online communities or forums to connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges.



5. Consider Renting a Coworking Space or Private Office


Renting a coworking space or private office can be a great way to recover from burnout while still working. These spaces offer a flexible and supportive environment that can help you stay focused and motivated. Here are some benefits of renting a coworking space or private office:


  • Flexibility: Coworking spaces and private offices offer flexible lease terms, so you can rent space for a day, a week, or a month, depending on your needs. This flexibility can help you scale up or down as needed, without being tied to a long-term lease.


  • Community: Coworking spaces are designed to foster collaboration and community among members. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with other professionals, entrepreneurs, and freelancers, which can help you build relationships and stay motivated.


  • Amenities: Many coworking spaces and private offices offer amenities such as high-speed internet, printing and copying services, and free coffee. Some spaces may also offer additional amenities such as on-site fitness centers, meditation rooms, or game rooms.


  • Privacy: If you’re working from home or in a shared office, it can be challenging to find privacy and quiet space to focus. Renting a private office or coworking space can provide you with a dedicated workspace that is free from distractions and interruptions.


  • Professional environment: Working in a professional environment can help you stay focused and motivated. Coworking spaces and private offices are designed to provide a productive and professional environment that can help you stay on track and achieve your goals.


If you’re considering renting a coworking space or private office, here are some tips to help you choose the right space:


  1. Location: Consider the location of the coworking space or private office. Look for a space that is conveniently located and easily accessible.
  2. Amenities: Consider the amenities that are important to you. Do you need high-speed internet, printing and copying services, or a quiet space to focus? Make a list of your priorities and look for a space that meets your needs.
  3. Community: Consider the community aspect of the coworking space or private office. Look for a space that has a supportive and collaborative environment, and where you can connect with other professionals and entrepreneurs.
  4. Cost: Consider the cost of the coworking space or private office. Look for a space that fits within your budget and offers flexible lease terms.


The Collection is a coworking space located in Los Angeles that offers flexible lease terms, a supportive community, and a range of amenities to help you stay focused and motivated. With a convenient location, high-speed internet, printing and copying services, and a collaborative environment, The Collection is a great option for individuals and businesses looking to recover from burnout and thrive.




Recovering from burnout while still working requires a combination of self-care, support, and a conducive work environment. Renting a coworking space or private office can be a great way to provide yourself with the support and environment you need to recover and thrive. By considering the location, amenities, community, and cost, you can find a space that meets your needs and helps you achieve your goals.


Business Trends Work Environment

Asynchronous Communication and Utilizing Coworking for Maximum Efficiency

In today’s fast-paced work environment, efficient communication and collaboration are essential for productivity. This blog explores the concept of asynchronous communication and how it can be utilized to maximize efficiency in a coworking setting. We will delve into the benefits of asynchronous communication, effective strategies to implement it, and how coworking spaces can enhance productivity. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of how asynchronous communication and coworking can revolutionize your work processes.


What is Asynchronous Communication?


Asynchronous communication refers to a mode of communication where individuals do not need to be present simultaneously to exchange information or collaborate. Unlike synchronous communication, which requires immediate response and real-time interaction, asynchronous communication allows participants to respond at their convenience, reducing interruptions and enhancing productivity. This method leverages tools like email, project management software, and instant messaging platforms to communicate across time zones and schedules.


The Benefits


Asynchronous communication offers numerous advantages over traditional synchronous methods. Consider the following benefits:


  • Increased productivity: Individuals can focus on their tasks without constant interruptions, resulting in improved productivity and better concentration.


  • Flexibility and work-life balance: By eliminating the need for immediate responses, asynchronous communication allows employees to manage their time effectively, fostering a healthier work-life balance.


  • Enhanced collaboration: Encourages thoughtful responses and detailed information sharing, leading to more comprehensive discussions and better collaboration among team members.


  • Global reach: With teams spread across different time zones, asynchronous communication ensures seamless collaboration, enabling organizations to work around the clock.


The Strategies


To harness the full potential of asynchronous communication, it’s crucial to adopt effective strategies. Consider the following tips:


  • Clear communication guidelines: Establish guidelines to ensure everyone understands the expectations, response times, and preferred communication channels.


  • Proper documentation: Encourage team members to document their work, decisions, and progress. This ensures transparency and serves as a reference for future discussions.


  • Utilize collaboration tools: Leverage project management software, file-sharing platforms, and messaging apps to facilitate seamless communication and file-sharing.


  • Set realistic response times: Define reasonable response times based on the urgency and complexity of the task. This allows team members to prioritize and manage their workload effectively.


Overcoming Challenges


While asynchronous communication offers numerous benefits, it’s important to address potential challenges that may arise. Some common hurdles include:


Misinterpretation: Without immediate feedback or visual cues, messages can be misinterpreted. To overcome this, encourage clear and concise communication, ask for clarifications when needed, and utilize video conferencing for important discussions.


  • Time zone differences: Working across different time zones can pose challenges in terms of coordination and timely responses. Establish overlapping working hours or designate specific times for synchronous collaboration to address urgent matters promptly.


  • Accountability: Asynchronous communication requires individuals to take responsibility for their tasks and meet deadlines. Foster a culture of accountability by setting clear expectations, tracking progress, and providing regular feedback.


  • Information overload: With multiple communication channels, information can easily get lost or overlooked. Establish protocols for organizing and archiving communications, ensuring that important messages and files are easily accessible.


By addressing these challenges and implementing effective strategies, you can overcome the potential pitfalls of asynchronous communication and reap its benefits to enhance efficiency and productivity in your work environment.


The Role of Coworking Spaces


Coworking spaces provide an ideal environment for maximizing the benefits of asynchronous communication. Here’s how they contribute to increased efficiency:


  • Networking opportunities: Coworking spaces foster networking and collaboration by bringing together professionals from various industries, enabling potential partnerships and knowledge sharing.


  • Physical infrastructure: These spaces offer well-equipped offices with reliable internet connectivity, conference rooms, and other amenities necessary for efficient communication and collaboration.


  • Flexibility and cost-effectiveness: Coworking spaces provide the flexibility to scale up or down based on business needs, eliminating long-term commitments and reducing overhead costs.


  • Community support: The sense of community in coworking spaces promotes a conducive work environment and encourages productivity, offering opportunities for learning, motivation, and support.


Unlock Productivity and Collaboration


Discover the power of asynchronous communication and coworking spaces for boosting your team’s productivity. Contact The Collection to explore customized workspace rental options. Their coworking spaces feature state-of-the-art equipment, high-speed internet access, and a collaborative community, enabling you to maximize the benefits of asynchronous communication for enhanced efficiency.


Visit their website or reach out to us today to learn more about how they can provide you with a coworking space that revolutionizes your team’s work dynamics. When you choose The Collection, you gain access to everything you need to embrace asynchronous communication, empowering your employees to work independently while staying connected and productive. Let The Collection set you up for success in today’s flexible work environment. Contact them now to discuss renting the perfect coworking space for your team.




Incorporating asynchronous communication into your workflow and utilizing coworking spaces can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity. By leveraging the benefits and taking advantage of the resources offered by coworking spaces, you can revolutionize your work processes and achieve optimal results. Embrace the power of this type of communication and watch your productivity soar in the collaborative coworking environment.


Business Trends Office Space

Employee Relocation: What Is It and How Coworking Can Help

Relocating employees can be a challenging and complex process for both employers and the individuals involved. From finding suitable housing to adjusting to a new environment, there are various aspects to consider.


In this article, we will explore the concept of employee relocation, how it works, and how coworking can provide an effective solution to some of the challenges associated with relocation.


The Complexities of Employee Relocation


Employee relocation refers to the process of transferring an employee from one location to another, often due to a job opportunity or the needs of the company. This transition involves uprooting the employee from their current surroundings and helping them settle into a new city or country. While relocation can be exciting, it also comes with its fair share of challenges.


Understanding the Process of Employee Relocation


The process of employee relocation can vary depending on the company and the specific circumstances involved. Generally, it involves several key steps:


  1. Assessing the need for relocation: Employers evaluate the necessity of relocating an employee based on business requirements, skill sets, or specific project demands.
  2. Planning and coordination: Once the decision is made to relocate an employee, careful planning and coordination take place. This includes arranging transportation, temporary housing, and assistance with immigration and legal matters if required.
  3. Housing and settling in: Finding suitable housing in the new location is a crucial aspect of employee relocation. It involves considerations such as proximity to the workplace, local amenities, and budgetary constraints. Additionally, employees may need assistance in settling into the new city, such as understanding the local culture, navigating transportation, and finding essential services.
  4. Emotional and social support: Relocating can be an emotionally challenging experience. Employers should provide support systems to help employees cope with the stress and potential feelings of isolation that may arise during the transition.


The Benefits of Coworking for Relocating Employees


Coworking spaces have emerged as a valuable resource for both individuals and companies. They offer a flexible and collaborative work environment that can greatly benefit relocating employees. Here are some ways in which coworking can help:


  • Instant infrastructure: Coworking spaces provide fully equipped workspaces, eliminating the need for employees to spend time and resources setting up an office from scratch. This allows them to start working immediately upon arrival, ensuring minimal disruption to their productivity.
  • Professional network and community: Coworking spaces foster a sense of community and networking opportunities. Relocating employees can tap into these networks, connecting with professionals from diverse backgrounds and industries. Building relationships within the coworking community can help them establish a support system, find potential collaborators or clients, and access valuable insights into the local business landscape.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Coworking spaces offer flexible membership options, allowing employees to choose the duration and type of workspace that suits their needs. This scalability is particularly advantageous for employees undergoing temporary or short-term relocation. They can easily adjust their workspace requirements as their projects or assignments evolve.


Embracing Coworking as a Solution


If you are an employer involved in employee relocation or an individual embarking on a relocation journey, coworking can be a game-changer. Here’s how you can make the most of coworking spaces:


  • Research and choose wisely: Before selecting a coworking space, research the options available in the destination city. Consider factors such as location, amenities, community, and pricing. Take advantage of trial periods or tours to ensure the space aligns with your requirements.
  • Leverage community resources: Once you’ve joined a coworking space, actively engage with the community. Attend networking events, workshops, and social gatherings to expand your professional network and tap into the collective knowledge within the coworking space.
  • Seek support and guidance: If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about the relocation process, don’t hesitate to reach out to the coworking staff or fellow members. They can provide valuable insights, recommendations, and support to help you navigate the challenges of relocation.
  • Embrace collaboration opportunities: Coworking spaces often encourage collaboration and interaction among members. Take advantage of this by seeking opportunities to collaborate on projects or initiatives. Engaging with other professionals can not only enhance your work but also facilitate a smoother transition into the new work environment.




Employee relocation is a complex process that requires careful planning and support. By understanding the challenges associated with relocation and embracing coworking as a solution, both employers and relocating employees can benefit greatly. Coworking spaces provide a conducive work environment, instant infrastructure, professional networks, and flexibility that can ease the transition and enhance productivity. So, whether you’re an employer considering relocating employees or an individual embarking on a relocation journey, consider incorporating coworking into your strategy for a successful transition.


By leveraging the power of coworking, employers can ensure a seamless relocation process for their employees, leading to increased employee satisfaction and productivity. Likewise, relocating employees can find a supportive community, valuable resources, and an instant professional network in coworking spaces. Embrace the opportunities that coworking presents, and make your employee relocation a success story.


And feel free to reach out to us at The Collection in downtown Los Angeles with any questions. We are happy to assist with your coworking needs!


Work Environment

8 Ways to Build a Stronger Corporate Culture

Building a strong corporate culture is essential to the success of any business. A positive corporate culture helps to increase employee engagement, retention, and productivity. It can also attract top talent and improve customer satisfaction. However, building a strong corporate culture takes time and effort. In this article, we will explore ways to build a stronger corporate culture in your organization.


Why is Corporate Culture Important?


Corporate culture is the personality and values of an organization. It influences how employees interact with one another and with customers. A positive corporate culture can increase job satisfaction and employee morale, leading to higher productivity and lower turnover rates. In contrast, a negative culture can lead to low morale, high turnover rates, and decreased productivity.


How Can You Build a Strong Corporate Culture?


1. Define Your Company Values


Defining your company values is the first step in building a strong corporate culture. Company values are the beliefs and principles that guide the behavior of employees and the decisions of the organization. They should reflect your organization’s mission, vision, and goals. By defining your company values, you create a shared understanding among employees of what is important to the organization.


2. Hire Employees Who Share Your Values


When hiring new employees, it is important to look for candidates who share your company’s values. Hiring employees who align with your values can help to ensure that they will fit into your corporate culture. It is also important to communicate your company values during the hiring process and to assess whether candidates share these values.


3. Encourage Employee Feedback


Encouraging employee feedback is essential to building a positive corporate culture. Employees should feel comfortable sharing their opinions, ideas, and concerns with management. This can be achieved through regular employee surveys, suggestion boxes, and open-door policies. By listening to employee feedback, management can identify areas for improvement and make changes that will benefit the organization.


4. Recognize and Reward Employee Achievements


Recognizing and rewarding employee achievements is important for building a positive corporate culture. Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to be engaged and productive. This can be achieved through regular employee recognition programs, such as Employee of the Month or team-based incentives. It is important to recognize both individual and team achievements.


5. Provide Opportunities for Professional Development


Providing opportunities for professional development is another way to build a positive corporate culture. Employees who feel that they have opportunities for growth and advancement are more likely to be engaged and motivated. This can be achieved through training programs, mentoring, and coaching. Providing employees with opportunities for professional development also helps to build a skilled and knowledgeable workforce.


6. Create a Positive Work Environment


Creating a positive work environment is essential. A positive work environment is one where employees feel comfortable and supported. This can be achieved through initiatives such as flexible work hours, telecommuting, and employee wellness programs. It is also important to provide a safe and healthy workplace. Coworking spaces and flexible workspaces like those offered by The Collection contribute to a positive work environment.


7. Lead by Example


Leadership plays a crucial role. Leaders should embody the company values and set an example for employees to follow. They should also communicate the company values and encourage employees to embrace them. Leaders should also be approachable and open to employee feedback.


8. Rent a Coworking Space


Renting a coworking space is not only a practical solution for businesses but also an opportunity to build a stronger corporate culture. Coworking spaces are often designed to foster collaboration, creativity, and community among professionals from various backgrounds and industries. By sharing a workspace, employees can interact with individuals from different companies and backgrounds, which can lead to networking opportunities and valuable connections. Coworking spaces also offer various amenities such as lounges, cafes, and meeting rooms that can promote a sense of belonging and engagement. When employees feel comfortable and motivated in their work environment, they are more likely to be productive and invested in the success of the company, which ultimately leads to a stronger corporate culture.




Defining your company values, hiring employees who share these values, and creating a supportive work environment are key steps in building a strong corporate culture. Encouraging open communication, providing opportunities for professional growth, and recognizing and rewarding employee contributions can also contribute to a positive culture.


By implementing these strategies and consistently reinforcing the company culture, organizations can build a workplace that fosters collaboration, innovation, and success. A strong culture not only benefits the employees and the company, but it can also have a positive impact on the community and society as a whole. By prioritizing the development and maintenance of a strong corporate culture, organizations can contribute to a better world.


If you are interested in renting a coworking space at The Collection, please reach out to us today for more information.


Work Environment

How Coworking Can Help Reduce Work From Home Fatigue

As the COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to close their physical offices, remote work became the norm for millions of employees worldwide. While working from home has its advantages, such as saving on commuting time and expenses, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the most significant challenges is work from home fatigue.


Work from home fatigue can manifest in various ways, such as burnout, decreased productivity, and mental health issues. Remote workers may find it challenging to separate their work and personal lives, leading to a constant feeling of being “on” and difficulty in disconnecting from work. Additionally, the lack of social interaction and face-to-face communication can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.


In this article, we will explore how coworking can help reduce work from home fatigue and provide a solution for remote workers.


The Evolution and Growing Trend of Work From Home


Remote work is not a new concept, but it has gained significant momentum in recent years due to technological advancements and changing workplace culture. According to a report by FlexJobs, the number of people working from home increased by 159% between 2005 and 2017. The pandemic further accelerated this trend, with more than 40% of the U.S. workforce working remotely full-time during the pandemic.


Common Problems From Working From Home


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to adapt to working from home, which has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the most significant problems of working from home is the lack of structure and routine. Without the cues of an office environment, remote workers may struggle to maintain a consistent schedule, leading to working too much or too little, and struggling to separate their work and personal lives.


1. Distractions are another common problem when working from home. Remote workers may be easily distracted by family members, pets, household chores, or social media, leading to a decrease in productivity and quality of work.


2. Isolation and loneliness are other challenges faced by remote workers. Without the social interactions and support of colleagues, remote workers may feel isolated and lonely, leading to decreased motivation, job satisfaction, and mental health issues.


3. Technology issues are also a significant problem for remote workers. A stable internet connection and reliable technology are essential for effective remote work, which can be a challenge for some remote workers, especially those who have to share their devices with family members or live in areas with poor connectivity.


4. Effective communication and collaboration can also be a challenge for remote workers. The lack of face-to-face interaction can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and reduced teamwork, which can affect productivity and job satisfaction.


5. Remote work can also lead to ergonomic challenges, with workers having to work in suboptimal ergonomic conditions, leading to physical discomfort and long-term health problems.


6. Finally, remote workers may overwork, as working from home can blur the boundaries between work and personal life. The constant feeling of being “on” can lead to overworking, burnout, and reduced job satisfaction.


Different Ways to Beat Work From Home Fatigue


There are several ways to combat work from home fatigue. One of the most effective ways is to establish a routine and structure to your day. This routine can include setting a schedule for work, taking breaks, and engaging in physical activity or other hobbies outside of work. Another effective way is to create a dedicated workspace. This space should be separate from your living area and free from distractions.


Other tips include:


  • Staying connected with colleagues through virtual meetings, chats, and other collaboration tools
  • Taking regular breaks to recharge and avoid burnout
  • Setting boundaries between work and personal life, such as turning off work notifications after business hours
  • Incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, into your daily routine.


How Coworking Can Help


Coworking spaces provide an ideal solution for remote workers experiencing work from home fatigue. Coworking spaces offer a physical office space that remote workers can use on a flexible basis. These spaces provide a professional environment that is conducive to productivity, collaboration, and creativity.


Coworking spaces also offer a sense of community and socialization that remote workers often miss when working from home. These spaces provide an opportunity for remote workers to connect with like-minded professionals, network, and share ideas.


Coworking spaces also offer a variety of amenities that can help combat work from home fatigue. These amenities can include high-speed internet, printing and scanning services, meeting rooms, and social events. These amenities can help remote workers feel more connected and productive, which can help reduce work from home fatigue.


In addition to providing a physical space and amenities, coworking spaces also offer a sense of structure and routine. Coworking spaces have set business hours, which can help remote workers establish a routine and structure to their day. These spaces also offer a professional environment that can help remote workers maintain focus and motivation.




Remote work is here to stay, and work from home fatigue is a significant challenge that remote workers face. While there are several ways to combat work from home fatigue, coworking provides an ideal solution for remote workers. Coworking spaces offer a physical space, amenities, and a sense of community and structure that can help reduce work from home fatigue. If you are a remote worker, consider renting a coworking space or a temporary office.


Work Environment

How to Have Difficult Work Conversations Remotely?

In the current climate of remote work, difficult work conversations have become even more challenging to navigate. The lack of in-person interactions and nonverbal cues can make it harder to understand the tone and intent behind messages, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. However, with the right approach, it is possible to have difficult work conversations remotely and maintain productive working relationships.




The first step in having a difficult work conversation remotely is to prepare. This means setting clear objectives for the conversation, identifying the specific issues that need to be addressed, and thinking through how you want to phrase your concerns. It’s also important to consider the tone and communication style that will be most effective in the remote setting.


Set Clear Boundaries


Another important aspect of having difficult work conversations remotely is to set clear boundaries. This means identifying what topics are off-limits and what types of communication are not acceptable. For example, it may be appropriate to have a frank conversation about a work-related issue over email, but it may not be appropriate to discuss personal issues in the same way.


Use Appropriate Tools and Platforms


Another consideration when having difficult work conversations remotely is to be mindful of the tools and platforms that are used. For example, using video conferencing software can be a great way to improve communication and understanding, as it allows for real-time interactions and nonverbal cues.


Be Open and Transparent


In addition, it is important to be open and transparent. This means being willing to listen to the other person’s perspective, and being honest about your own thoughts and feelings. It’s also important to be respectful and avoid personal attacks or criticism.


Follow Up and Follow Through


Another key thing to keep in mind is to have a plan to follow up and follow through on any action items that come out of the difficult work conversation. This can include scheduling follow-up meetings or touchpoints, and setting clear expectations for what needs to be done and by when.


Difficult Work Conversations Are Normal


Finally, remember that difficult work conversations are a normal part of any working relationship, and it’s important to address issues as they arise. 


Rent a Coworking Space


By preparing, setting boundaries, using appropriate tools and platforms, being open and transparent, following through on action items and remembering that it’s normal to have difficult conversations, you can navigate difficult work conversations remotely and maintain valuable working relationships.


One way to ensure that difficult work conversations take place in an appropriate setting is to rent a coworking space. Coworking spaces provide a professional setting for remote workers to come together, collaborate and communicate in person. This can be especially beneficial for having difficult conversations, as it provides an opportunity for face-to-face interaction and nonverbal cues, which can help to improve understanding and build trust.




In conclusion, remote work has its own set of challenges and difficulties when it comes to having difficult work conversations. But with proper planning, communication style, setting boundaries and renting a coworking space, it’s possible to navigate these challenges and have a work relationship stronger than ever.


Business Trends

How to Improve Employee Engagement The Value of a Creative Office Space

Employee engagement is essential for thriving operations, regardless of your business niche. Did you know that around 47 million Americans have quit their jobs voluntarily in the year 2021? This is a huge number, and the situation is actually alarming. People run businesses, not the other way around. It is crucial for employers to understand what works best for their employees and keep them motivated. One of the best ways to keep employees motivated is by ensuring proper engagement. If you are wondering how to improve employee engagement, you have landed in the right space. In today’s post, we are going to discuss how you can make the change within your workspace.


Effective and Frequent Communication Across Multiple Channels


To build trust amongst employees, it is important to establish frequent yet highly effective communication across different channels. A report by Gallup states that a huge percentage of remote workers struggle to figure out what is expected of them. This indicates a communication lapse that needs to be filled asap. Leaders in your organization must be responsible for regular and proper communication. This is crucial if you want your employees to feel valued, important, and work properly.


When you have a remote/hybrid workforce setting, effective communication is one of the key challenges. You can use multiple channels to communicate verbally, visually, in person, in writing, and more. A few great examples are a 10-minute motivation video to perk up the employees at the start of the week, and a check-up video/audio/conference call with everyone at the end of the week to ensure what was accomplished and what needs to be done. Emails work really well for recurring tasks. When you offer adequate resources for employees, they will feel more trusted, connected, and engage back effectively.


Offer a Combo of Digital and Physical Workspaces


With the modern-day work styles, it is crucial to invest in flexible digital workplace solutions like an intranet, a coworking space, or essentially anything that allows employees to tailor the communication experience in a way that works out for them. Digital workspace solutions for connecting employees and sharing messages are a crucial part of every single organization.


Apart from providing the right tools, offering opportunities to socialize and meet in person further improves communication. It is super important to set time aside to gather every now and then and discuss plans or even collaborate on projects. Human connection is very important for collaborative work environments. Hence, it is crucial to arrange in-person meetings for employees every once in a while, even when you guys work remotely. If you don’t own a physical office, you can always make use of coworking space to arrange for employee meetups.


Pay Attention to Employee Feedback


Effective communication goes both ways. Arrange ways and channels that allow employees to offer feedback openly and confidently and take the desired action. We are not saying to follow the opinion of the employees blindly but listen to their genuine concerns and fix the areas that need improvement. When your employees feel comfortable in sharing their opinion, they feel more confident to share their ideas and opinions that will not only benefit them but also the organization along with improving engagement. You can also go ahead and distribute engagement surveys quarterly or yearly. The survey is used to determine the key points and formulate strategies that work in your best interest. This step alone will set reasonable expectations about the pace of work/progress, incorporate employee feedback, and effectively run the planning cycle. The surveys can be extremely beneficial when your organization is running remotely.


Promote Work-Life Balance


Employees these days are becoming more and more vocal about their need to achieve a better work-life balance. A Joblist survey found that nearly 30 percent of workers sacrifice a part of their salary to achieve a better work-life balance. Parents were willing to get a reduction in salary by 5%, provided that the opportunity offered a better work-life balance. It is important that you encourage flexibility when it comes to work and respect the boundaries of your employees. Make sure that your employees can take the desired time off when needed and avoid setting unrealistic work boundaries.


Invest In Your Employees


Most business owners think that investing in their employees means offering a competitive salary. While it does help, more is needed. Sometimes investing in employees can manifest as hands-on training, continued education, and providing learning opportunities. Recognizing your employees is a super powerful way to make them feel important and valued. You can give them awards at annual dinners, praise them in person, and let them know how important they are to your company.


The ‘work first’ mentality is slowly and steadily fading away, and employees are reconsidering their jobs and whether investing the hours is worth the paycheck. If the management is aligned with both employer and employees’ vision, you can be sure of active engagement which gives your employees every reason to feel motivated and stay.


How to Improve Employee Engagement


Improving employee engagement is not only beneficial for employees but for your business as well. Being able to do that involves the right strategy, planning, and consistency. But if you crack the code, you will surely be glad of the decisions you made. Bonus: Your employees will be super happy to be a part of your organization.


We sincerely hope that you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ways in which you engage your employees, we would love to know it all.


Work Environment

Hostile Work Environment Examples, How Coworking Spaces Can Help

What are some common hostile work environment examples? Read below to find out how renting coworking spaces can help.


Work Environment

What Is Hot Desking and What Are the Benefits?

Whether you’re a freelancer or a growing company, hot desking can be a great way to boost productivity and build your network. Learn about the benefits and how to find a space that works for you.


Work Environment

How to Avoid Burnout and Increase Productivity

If you’re wondering how to avoid burnout, here are helpful tips to keep in mind and share with the workforce.


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