Business Trends

Tech Startup Ideas For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

In the fast-paced world of technology, aspiring entrepreneurs are continually seeking innovative and viable startup ideas that can propel them to success. The tech industry is ever-evolving, presenting numerous opportunities for those with the vision and determination to turn their ideas into reality.


In this article, we will explore compelling tech startup ideas, diving into their potential, market relevance, and the benefits they can offer to aspiring entrepreneurs.


1. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare


The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare has the potential to revolutionize the industry. Entrepreneurs can explore developing AI-driven solutions that enhance diagnostics, treatment planning, and patient care. From predictive analytics to personalized medicine, leveraging AI in healthcare can lead to improved outcomes and increased efficiency in the delivery of medical services.


2. Sustainable Tech Solutions


With an increasing global focus on sustainability, there is a growing demand for tech startups that offer eco-friendly solutions. Entrepreneurs can delve into areas such as renewable energy, waste management, and sustainable agriculture. Developing technologies that address environmental challenges not only aligns with current market trends but also contributes to a more sustainable future.


3. Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications


The immersive experiences provided by virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) are gaining traction across various industries. Entrepreneurs can explore applications in fields such as education, gaming, real estate, and healthcare. Developing innovative VR and AR solutions can capture the attention of consumers and businesses alike, creating new possibilities for interactive and engaging experiences.


4. E-commerce Optimization and Personalization


As e-commerce continues to thrive, entrepreneurs can focus on developing technologies that optimize the online shopping experience. AI-driven personalization, chatbots, and enhanced recommendation systems are areas with significant potential. By tailoring the e-commerce journey to individual preferences, startups can create a more personalized and satisfying shopping experience for consumers.



5. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Solutions


Blockchain technology has transcended its association with cryptocurrencies and is now being explored for various applications. Entrepreneurs can delve into developing blockchain solutions for supply chain management, secure transactions, and digital identity verification. The decentralized and transparent nature of blockchain can bring enhanced security and efficiency to a myriad of industries.


6. EdTech Innovations for Remote Learning


The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote learning, creating opportunities for entrepreneurs in the education technology (EdTech) sector. Startups can focus on developing platforms that offer engaging and effective online learning experiences. From interactive content delivery to virtual classrooms, there is vast potential for tech solutions that cater to the evolving needs of modern education.


Benefits of Utilizing Co-Working Spaces


Amidst the excitement of exploring tech startup ideas, entrepreneurs should also consider the environment in which they work. The decision to rent co-working space, private offices, or shared offices from established providers comes with numerous benefits that can significantly impact the success of a startup.


1. Collaboration and Networking Opportunities


Co-working spaces provide a dynamic environment where entrepreneurs can collaborate with like-minded individuals from diverse industries. The open layout encourages interaction and idea exchange, fostering a sense of community. Networking events organized by co-working spaces offer invaluable opportunities to connect with potential partners, mentors, and investors.


2. Cost-Effectiveness and Flexibility


Renting a traditional office space can be a substantial financial commitment for a startup. Co-working spaces offer cost-effective alternatives, often with flexible lease terms. Entrepreneurs can benefit from fully-equipped offices, meeting rooms, and shared amenities without the burden of long-term leases and upfront costs.


3. Professional Image and Credibility


Establishing a professional image is crucial for the success of any startup. Co-working spaces often feature modern and well-designed office environments that contribute to a professional atmosphere. Utilizing such spaces enhances the credibility of a startup, making it more appealing to clients, investors, and potential collaborators.


Tech Startup Ideas Conclusion


In conclusion, the tech startup landscape is teeming with possibilities for aspiring entrepreneurs. From AI in healthcare to sustainable tech solutions, the innovation potential is limitless. By leveraging co-working spaces and shared offices like The Collection, based in downtown Los Angeles, entrepreneurs can not only enhance their working environment but also tap into collaborative opportunities that fuel growth and success. Embracing these ideas and incorporating them into a well-rounded business strategy can set the stage for a thriving and impactful tech startup journey.


Business Trends

How to Change Careers at Any Age

Embarking on a career change can be a daunting task, especially as you mature in your professional journey. The idea of leaving the familiar and venturing into uncharted territory may seem challenging, but it is essential to recognize that change is not exclusive to any age group. Whether you’re in your twenties or fifties, the prospect of shifting careers can be invigorating and fulfilling.


This article delves into how to change careers at any age — exploring the steps, challenges, entrepreneurial mindset, and opportunities that come with it.


Recognizing the Need for Change


Before delving into the practical aspects of a career change, it’s crucial to recognize the signs that indicate a need for change. These may include a lack of satisfaction in your current role, a desire for new challenges, or a realization that your passions lie elsewhere. Take the time to introspect and identify the specific reasons driving your decision to change careers. This self-awareness will serve as the foundation for your journey.


Exploring Your Interests and Skills


Once you’ve acknowledged the need for change, delve into your interests and skills. What are you passionate about? What are your strengths? Consider engaging in self-assessment tools, seeking feedback from mentors or colleagues, and reflecting on your past experiences. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of your abilities and interests, you’ll be better equipped to align your career change with your intrinsic motivations.


Researching Potential Career Paths


The next step involves researching potential career paths that align with your identified interests and skills. Leverage online resources, attend networking events, and connect with professionals in your desired field. Gather insights into the day-to-day responsibilities, growth prospects, and challenges associated with the new career. This research phase is crucial for building a solid foundation of knowledge and ensuring that your decision is well-informed.


Skill Development and Education


In many cases, transitioning to a new career may require acquiring additional skills or education. Embrace this as an opportunity for growth and development.


Consider enrolling in relevant courses, attending workshops, or pursuing certifications that enhance your qualifications in the chosen field. This proactive approach not only equips you with the necessary tools for success but also demonstrates your commitment to your new career path.


Entrepreneurship and Small Business Ventures


For some individuals, changing careers involves not just switching roles but venturing into entrepreneurship or starting a small business. This path offers a unique set of challenges and rewards. Consider the following steps when contemplating entrepreneurship.


Starting a Startup Company:


  • Identify a Niche: Pinpoint a gap or unmet need in the market. Your startup’s success often hinges on solving a problem or providing a unique solution.
  • Create a Solid Business Plan: Outline your business concept, target audience, revenue model, and marketing strategy. A well-thought-out business plan serves as a roadmap for your entrepreneurial journey.
  • Build a Support Network: Engage with mentors, industry experts, and fellow entrepreneurs. Their guidance and insights can prove invaluable as you navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship.
  • Embrace Innovation: Stay abreast of industry trends and technological advancements. Embracing innovation ensures that your startup remains competitive and adaptable to market changes.

Overcoming Challenges and Resilience


Changing careers, especially later in life, is not without its challenges. From facing uncertainties to dealing with the learning curve, resilience is key. Develop a mindset that embraces challenges as opportunities for growth. Seek support from friends, family, or mentors who can provide encouragement and guidance during the transitional period.


Continuous Learning and Adaptation


The professional landscape is dynamic, and continuous learning is essential for sustained success. Embrace a mindset of adaptability and curiosity. Stay informed about industry trends, update your skills regularly, and be open to evolving as your career progresses.

Leveraging Coworking Spaces for Transition


One resource that is often overlooked in the career transition process is coworking spaces. These shared workspaces offer a dynamic environment conducive to networking, collaboration, and innovation. Here’s how coworking spaces can play a pivotal role in your career change.


Advantages of Coworking Spaces:


  • Networking Opportunities: Coworking spaces bring together professionals from diverse industries. This environment provides ample networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with individuals who may offer valuable insights or even become collaborators in your new venture.
  • Collaborative Atmosphere: The collaborative nature of coworking spaces fosters creativity and idea exchange. Surrounding yourself with individuals pursuing different career paths can inspire fresh perspectives and solutions.
  • Flexible Work Environment: Coworking spaces offer flexibility in terms of workspace arrangements and hours. This flexibility is particularly beneficial during the transitional phase, allowing you to balance your current job with activities related to your career change.
  • Access to Resources: Many coworking spaces provide access to amenities such as meeting rooms, workshops, and events. Utilizing these resources can aid in skill development, knowledge enhancement, and overall professional growth.


How to Change Careers Conclusion


Embark on the transformative journey of changing careers with confidence and purpose. Through introspection, thorough research, and proactive measures, you can navigate this pivotal transition. Unlock the door to new possibilities by harnessing the power of coworking spaces, embracing the spirit of entrepreneurship, and fostering a resilient mindset.


In collaboration with The Collection, located in downtown Los Angeles and whose business focus is on renting and utilizing coworking spaces, you gain access to a dynamic and supportive environment that enhances your career transition.


Business Trends Office Space

Entrepreneurial Mindset: How Coworking Spaces Cultivate Innovation and Risk-Taking

Are you tired of working from home or in a traditional office space? Do you find yourself lacking motivation or feeling uninspired in your current work environment? Finding a great coworking space might be the answer you’ve been looking for.


In this article, we will explore how coworking spaces cultivate innovation and risk-taking through their unique environments, fostering a strong entrepreneurial mindset.


The Benefits of Coworking Spaces


Coworking spaces are collaborative workspaces that offer entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners a shared workspace with flexible terms. These spaces offer a wide range of benefits, including:


  • Networking opportunities: Coworking spaces bring together individuals from various industries, allowing for new connections and collaborations.
  • Community: Coworking spaces offer a sense of community, which can be difficult to find when working alone.
  • Flexibility: Coworking spaces offer flexibility in terms of workspace and lease terms, allowing entrepreneurs to adapt to their changing business needs.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Coworking spaces offer a cost-effective solution for entrepreneurs who need a professional workspace without the expenses associated with traditional office spaces.


The Power of Coworking Spaces in Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset


Coworking spaces offer a unique environment that fosters an entrepreneurial mindset by encouraging innovation and risk-taking. Here are some ways coworking spaces cultivate this mindset:


1. Collaboration


Coworking spaces offer a collaborative environment where entrepreneurs can work together, share ideas, and build new connections. The diversity of industries and backgrounds within coworking spaces allows for a wider range of perspectives, which can lead to innovative ideas and solutions. In addition, the networking opportunities within coworking spaces can lead to new business partnerships, collaborations, and growth opportunities.


2. Community Spirit


Coworking spaces provide a sense of community that can be difficult to find when working alone. This community provides a support system for entrepreneurs, offering advice, mentorship, and encouragement. The sense of belonging that comes with being a part of a community can boost confidence and increase motivation, leading to a more entrepreneurial mindset.


3. Accommodating Workspace


Coworking spaces offer flexibility in terms of workspace and lease terms. Entrepreneurs can choose from a variety of workspaces, from private offices to shared desks, depending on their needs. The flexibility of coworking spaces allows entrepreneurs to adapt to their changing business needs without the constraints of a traditional office space.


4. Exposure to New Ideas and Perspectives


Coworking spaces offer exposure to new ideas and perspectives. Working alongside individuals from different industries and backgrounds can provide new insights and approaches to problem-solving. This exposure can lead to innovative ideas and solutions, and encourage risk-taking in entrepreneurship.


Real-World Examples of Successful Entrepreneurs in Coworking Spaces


Coworking spaces have proven to be a successful breeding ground for entrepreneurs, leading to innovative startups and businesses. Here are some examples of successful entrepreneurs who started their businesses in coworking spaces:




Instagram, the popular photo-sharing app, was started in a coworking space called Dogpatch Labs in San Francisco. The founders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, used the collaborative environment of the coworking space to develop and launch their app.


  • UBER


Uber, the ride-sharing giant, was started in a coworking space called The Vault in San Francisco. The founders, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp, used the networking opportunities and community support of the coworking space to launch their business.




Hootsuite, the social media management platform, was started in a coworking space called Bootup Labs in Vancouver. The founder, Ryan Holmes, used the collaborative environment of the coworking space to develop and launch his business.




In conclusion, if you’re looking to embrace the entrepreneurial mindset, the first step is to join a coworking space.


By joining a coworking space, you can tap into a supportive environment that encourages innovation and risk-taking. You surround yourself with like-minded individuals and tap into a community of other entrepreneurs to learn from their experiences. You’ll have access to resources and amenities like high-speed internet, printing and scanning services, meeting rooms, and more helping you focus on your work and save money on expenses. And you’ll have flexibility and freedom with flexible options and the freedom to work on your own terms and set your own schedule.


All of these benefits from joining a coworking space will help you unlock your full potential as an entrepreneur and take your business to the next level and beyond.


Business Trends

Freelance vs Self Employed: The Differences and Tips for Success

Freelance vs self employed? If you’re confused about the two terms, then read below for all the details to know.


Business Trends

Key Advantages of Sole Proprietorship

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Business Trends

Business Succession Planning in the New Working World

Business succession planning includes a lot of different factors worth thinking about for the future. If you need help with this, here’s a guide to read as a start.


Office Space

How a Coworking Space Benefits a Sole Proprietorship Business

As a sole proprietorship business, there’s a lot of different resources that can be taken advantage of such as a coworking space. The benefits are surprising. Read further.


Business Trends

The Ultimate Business Plan Checklist You’ll Need

Taking action with your ideas should be fun, not stressful. So to ensure you have everything you need, follow this ultimate business plan checklist.


With the onset of a new year, it’s time to reflect and strategize, taking into account the lessons of 2020, and how they shape your company’s or idea’s path forward. When taking stock of your business (or concept) and both it’s short- and long-term goals, the most important thing is to create a quantifiable and actionable plan.


Business plans are both the ideal way of quantifying an idea, as well as reflecting on past progress or failures and how they changed your company.


Why Bother with a Business Plan?


Business plans are usually thought of as the first step towards turning a spark into a business, but they’re also worth revisiting and revising, particularly after the challenges of last year.


As managers and entrepreneurs enter the new year, it’s important to take stock of a company’s strengths and weaknesses, take the opportunity to explore and study the competition, and consider how or where the company might be able to attract new clients, funding, or investments. A solid business plan acts as the distilled essence of what your business is, what it’s done, and where it might go.


But to create a solid business plan, you need a solid structure, and a foundation built on data and research.


Your Business Plan Checklist


Like any lengthy document, a business plan needs structure.


First, you should identify what audience you’re trying to target with your business plan – is it an internal document for management? Is it going to be primarily used to inform existing investors and secure new ones? Is it an elaborated mission statement to attract clients?


Then, you will need to address questions that your audience might have. These would be the individual sections the business plan will consist of each clearly answering a potential question with clear data. In general, a business plan checklist would look like this:


      • Describe Your Company and Industry


Depending on your audience, the first section of the plan will consist of an overview of the company’s purpose and its role in the current industry, as well as general information on the industry to help provide context for the company’s state and future.


      • What Are Your Prospects in the Current Market?


After going into detail on what the company does, it’s time to go into detail on the state of the market, and how your company is adapting to recent changes or aims to improve in light of sudden developments.


With the pandemic, countless industries have had to rapidly shift towards remote services, safe delivery mechanisms, rapid digitalization, and better software integration with mobile devices, among other concerns. How has your company adapted, and what are its prospects in the current market?


      • What is the Competition Up To?


No business plan is complete without an unbiased and objective view of the competition, particularly how it serves customers and clients in your area, and how you can further differentiate your business from other successful businesses around you.


      • How Are You Operating?


The next critical part of the business plan is a concise and comprehensive overview of its management and production, from how individual teams and departments are managed, how the organization itself is structured, how workplace policies such as remote work, coworking spaces, and work-from-anywhere policies have been implemented as a result of the pandemic, and how delivery mechanisms have been changed or implemented to ensure safety.


Another question is scaling – if your company is growing rapidly as a result of the shift towards digitalization, how are you planning to keep up with growing demand or a wider audience?



      • How Are You Marketing Your Products and Services?


The marketing portion of the business plan should report on the success of previous campaigns and tactics and plans in light of how the market has changed, and how demand is shifting.


Who are your customers, and what are they most likely to want? Can you identify what it is that they might want that they themselves aren’t aware of? And if yes, how can you leverage that to gain more sales?


      • How Healthy Are Your Finances?


How have your sales and revenue been holding up as a result of the pandemic, and what kind of growth are you projecting for the new quarter? A financial overview is often the most critical portion of a business plan for many investors who want to see raw numbers, and want to know how you’ve been holding up over the pandemic, and whether you have the potential to continue to grow your business.


      • Create Your Management Summary


The last thing you should work on should be the first thing in the plan – the executive or management summary, providing a concise overview of the contents of the document, the state of the business, and the purpose for this plan.


Essential Rules for a Well-Written Business Plan


It’s easy to go overboard with the jargon and flourish and turn your business plan into a wordy brochure. But shareholders and investors are people too, and their eyes glaze over just as easily as any other customer or client. You must keep your audience in mind when writing your business plan, and understand that there are a few key rules to follow:


1. Stay Concise


Avoid repeating yourself and avoid the use of industry jargon that might not make any sense to a general audience of investors and financiers. Save the flourish for your marketing campaigns, and focus on short, simple bullet-point answers for critical questions that you imagine the reader might ask.


Source your information heavily with references based on real market research, but don’t drown the reader in unnecessary data – keep it informative, and in the service of an actual point (such as explaining the potential demand for your niche or product based on market trends and surveys).


2. Focus on Your Differences


When describing your business and how it fits into the industry – especially when considering your competition and other similar companies – focus on what differentiates your company or idea from others and focus on the specific niche that you’ve carved out or plan to carve out for yourself.


In a world where modern technology gives us access to products and services from all over the globe, focusing on what sets you apart from the competition is more important than ever.


3. Provide Authoritative References


Regardless of whether your business plan is written to attract investment, reassure or maintain investors, or just to give you an updated overview of the company and its direction for the near future, it’s important to provide trusted references for the information you’re including in your plan.


We tend to try and focus on the positives when discussing an idea we’re fond of, or we tend to lean towards defending our practices and business, even when the writing is on the wall that a change of direction is long overdue. Reliable data is important to back up your belief in your business and provide readers with more than just a sense of your passion for the company.




The ultimate business plan serves as a referential document used to reflect on the company’s progress. In addition, to give a thorough insight on its unique purpose in your industry, as well as provide direction for the future.


Business Trends

New Year, New Goals to Set as a Solopreneur

Surely as a solopreneur, you’re ready to take on the new year with new goals to set! Below are tips to keep in mind when planning your 2021!


Goal setting is both very difficult and very important, especially for a solopreneur. When you’re pursuing your dreams and working on projects alone, every minute of the day is immensely valuable – and you can’t afford to waste time rushing into the wrong trajectory.


Smart and effective goal setting attempts to align our actions and intentions with our dreams, so we can continuously move towards them. What sets good goals apart from bad goals is scope and achievability.


A goal is meaningless if it’s too lofty, or too grounded. While solopreneurs need to set high expectations for themselves in order to motivate themselves, astronomical goals will often just further contribute to the feel in that you aren’t getting anywhere, and lead to burnout.


This 2021, set your sights on goals that don’t waste your time and move you in the right direction.


1. Clean House and Cut Excesses


Retrospection should always be the first step towards any meaningful change. As solopreneurs, we’re often too busy thinking about our next steps to take a moment and reevaluate our failures and shortcomings. We tend to barrel forwards, taking along bad habits and maladapted coping skills.


Take the new year as an opportunity to make a clean cut from 2020 and previous years, and analyze your decision-making, your work processes, and your day-to-day operations. What’s holding you back? What could you be eliminating to make it easier for you to work? What habits did you subconsciously develop that you should confront and eliminate in the new year?


A couple of simple examples include:


      • Installing and adhering to monitoring software to cut down on unnecessary doomscrolling and social media consumption.
      • Setting boundaries and limits around communications and lengthy meetings.
      • Cutting down on unnecessary subscriptions and email notifications.
      • Consolidating different services and monthly costs into smaller or simpler packages and reviewing your toolset.
      • Eliminating tools you don’t really need.
      • And more.


Where are you spending money with little to no return on investment? And more importantly, where are you spending time with little to no return on investment? Answer and act on these questions before tackling any other goals and intentions.


2. Identify Your Greatest (and Least Useful) Time Sinks


There are very few tasks the human mind can focus on for hours on end. Even though many entrepreneurs and solopreneurs find themselves working well over the standard 40 hours a week, they cycle between tasks and activities, or take breaks during the day to freshen the mind and think new thoughts.


Some of these breaks may run a little too long or become unnecessary distractions. Identify and separate work-appropriate restorative activities from private hobbies, and unhealthy time sinks.


Sit down and formulate an average weekly schedule, taking into account your own personal productivity levels throughout the day, identifying your best hours, your biggest typical daily slumps, and techniques that have helped or hindered you in the past. Try out new ways to improve your productivity, manage stress levels, and avoid bad working habits.


3. Announce Your Intentions Selectively


Setting goals and keeping them to yourself may be a good idea, as announcing them to the world can sometimes give you satisfaction similar to having already achieved them – taking some of the edge off, in a bad way.


However, announcing them selectively to your greatest friends and supporters can be a great way to ensure that you’re holding yourself accountable to your word, and showing real commitment towards your goals.


It also acts as a sort of additional level of clarity, giving you the opportunity to consider whether your goals really are achievable, and whether they accurately reflect the commitments you want to make this year.



4. Leave Room for Mental Sustainability


Putting too much on your plate is not a sign of strength. A wise solopreneur knows that the path towards success is best run as a marathon rather than a sprint, and young hustlers stretching themselves too thin usually end up burning out before their big break. If you want to hustle sustainably, you need to leave room for mental health.


That might not mean therapy or yoga sessions, or in-depth personal meditation. Maybe your coping habits take on a different shape or form, and that’s fine – so long as you find something that works for you. Sometimes, it’s not just what you do, but what you don’t do – and who you don’t talk with. Cut out the toxicity, separate yourself from both the naysayers and the yes men, and put your health first.


5. Find the Workspace of Your Dreams


The global pandemic has changed the way we work and communicate and relegated many to the home office – with mixed results. While many Americans embraced the change, others struggled with a poor transition, feelings of isolation, and endless distractions.


Coworking spaces provide an alternative for many to continue working with others and collaborate in a safe environment, without further expanding their own office space or relying solely on virtual tools.


Coworking spaces have adapted to COVID through novel hygiene protocols, strict social distancing measures, and by catering towards companies and entrepreneurs looking for ways to leverage space to create satellite offices for workers who cannot risk a lengthy commute.


6. Define and Refine Your Skillset


After a particularly difficult 2020, it’s time to stop spreading yourself too thin and focus on what you know. It’s good to learn and branch out but try to consolidate your efforts into projects that carry a personal value or are specifically within your area of expertise and knowledge.


Doing something daring can pay off, but there’s a time and place for such risks. Consider utilizing 2021 as an opportunity to hone your skills in a direction you’re comfortable with, define healthy boundaries, set achievable goals, and come out stronger than ever before.


Final Solopreneur Tip


Most new year resolutions fail and fall apart due to their excessive scope and vague nature. Take the time to identify targeted goals that matter to you, are specific to your personal and professional interests, and allow you to grow as a person and as an entrepreneur.


Work Environment

7 Tips to Being a Successful Remote Manager

Are you still figuring out the ins and outs of being a successful remote manager? To assist, below is a helpful guide with detailed tips to consider and practice.


Over the course of the COVID crisis, record numbers of Americans are working from home. While those numbers have gone down as some return to the office, many teams continue to operate largely via remote work. Some companies have even shifted entirely towards a work-from-home model.


Meanwhile, many others indicate that they would like to preserve the option to work from home even after the pandemic has ended. And many companies seem receptive to changes in how they structure their workplace and work-from-anywhere policies.


Managing these remote teams has been a unique challenge for many project and team leaders. If you’re still worried about helping your workers reach their greatest potential while working remotely, here are seven tips you can leverage to improve productivity and continue to make the most of this difficult situation.


1. Learn to Motivate Remotely (Through Tracking Achievements and Visual Progress)


Motivation is at an all-time low, and burnouts are at an all-time high. Keeping teams on-the-ball and helping individual workers manage their own health and productivity can be exceptionally challenging. And at times, managing a team remotely can feel like being blind and deaf to the needs and struggles of your individual team members.


The first step to effectively motivating your workers is by opening channels of communication and keeping tabs on how everyone is doing individually. Encourage team members to start the day with a group chat or get into a daily or weekly call to get a feel for how everyone is feeling. Keep in mind the importance of having one-on-one face time, especially when discussing more sensitive or personal issues with a worker as they pertain to their work.


Aside from offering a greater number of options for communication, a great way to motivate workers is by being transparent about how a team is doing. Rather than trying to motivate through punishing deadlines or lackluster rewards, consider implementing visual scoreboards, project progress trackers, and visual milestones to help keep everyone’s spirits up. And remind them of how much they’ve accomplished in a short time by coordinating their efforts and collaborating remotely.


2. Keep All Members in the Loop (and Schedule Daily Check-Ins)


Part of making sure everyone has equal and transparent access to how a project is going is making sure everyone’s in the loop. That means making sure every project member or team member is on the same platform, using the same communications tools, and logging their work hours and achievements, respectively.


You don’t have to micromanage or hound your workers to see progress. Competitive and achievement-oriented individuals will respond well to visual indicators of how well they’re doing individually or as a group. And everyone else will feel encouraged to give it their all as they see how their fellow team members are performing. Daily check-ins with the team also give you a chance to discuss metrics and praise exceptional progress or give out group objectives for the day.


3. Get Personal (and Enable Casual Conversation)


There’s always a time and place for one-on-one conversations, especially in today’s climate where it’s likely that a worker needs reassurance that they can privately talk to their manager or leader and request deadline adjustments, time off, or other considerations in order to preserve mental health and improve performance in the long-term.


One-on-one remote conversations between workers and managers are also important for bringing up and discussing issues that aren’t pertinent or appropriate in a group setting and can greatly help motivate and single out workers who need additional help, or are particularly isolated by their personal situation.



4. Avoid Social Isolation (Through Virtual Interaction)


One of the consequences of continued social distancing and quarantining during the pandemic is social isolation – many of us haven’t been able to visit friends or family as often as we usually do, are confined to much smaller spaces than we’re used to, and may generally experience a much greater sense of isolation than ever before.


This can also make remote workers feel isolated from their teams and companies, and impact performance. Virtual and remote interaction and quick, easy, convenient communication is important to reducing this feeling of social isolation, but it need not always be in the context of work.


Helping workers feel connected to the outside world by encouraging them to continue interacting with coworkers the way they might usually do in an office setting – by having virtual watercooler environments, including dedicated chatrooms or virtual teambuilding exercises, from daily stretches and exercise breaks to video games – can help.


5. Encourage a Dedicated Workspace (and Leverage Coworking Spaces)


While remote work has caused many to work longer hours than expected, part of that might be to make up for the perceived lack of productivity caused by the distractions of busy day-to-day household.


Homes are rarely an ideal space for concentrated work, and it’s difficult for many to carve out a dedicated workspace in an already cramped living environment. Even now as schools and workspaces continue to open, finding a quiet place to work away from the office remains difficult.


Coworking spaces can play a significant role here in helping main offices de-densify and focus on maintaining social distancing rules, while providing a productive work environment for many remote workers who cannot concentrate at home, or cannot afford to create their own dedicated workspace.


6. Don’t Micromanage (and Measure Through Accomplishments)


Remote managers who tend to fear the push towards a remote workspace are worried that a lack of control and oversight will lead to plummeting levels of productivity, so they’re drawn towards productivity applications and measures designed to micromanage and effectively spy on workers.


However, these solutions are barely solutions, as they usually only serve to erode trust in a company’s management, create friction and resentment between employers and employees, and bring productivity down. Instead of micromanaging, seek to motivate productivity through transparent metrics, healthy competition, and recognition.


7. Above All, Trust Your Team as a Remote Manager


Trust is an important aspect in any relationship, and it’s especially important in a work relationship. If you can convey your trust in your team members to them, they will reward you by aiming to meet and exceed your expectations – especially if you can give them the sense that they aren’t just working for you, but with you.


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